
Showing posts from June, 2009

"Mission" OR "God Uses a Garden to Plant Seeds"

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope June 27, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections I have a book entitled, “All Dressed Up and No Where to Go.” Could that be said of us . . . of our church? Is it possible to have organizational matters finely tuned, offerings over-flowing and training programs galore and still miss out on the real calling of the Church? This week’s lesson implies that it could happen. Without a clear mission the church can flounder. In recent weeks we’ve studied about discipleship and community. It is time for us to consider “mission.” The same God who “calls” also “sends” but sent for what purpose? The overarching question to many questions are best answered within the framework of another question: “Whose mission is it?” The answer to this question will help determine the content, its urgency and its outcome. Reflective Quiz 1. To reach the world with the good news is “God’s” mission. [Jn. 3:16; 16:6-11; Matt....


Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope June 27, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections I have a book in my personal library entitled, “All Dressed Up and No Where to Go.” Could that be said of us . . . of our church? Is it possible to have organizational matters finely tuned, offerings over-flowing and training programs galore and still miss out on the real calling of the Church? This week’s lesson implies that it could happen. Without a clear mission the church can flounder. In recent weeks we’ve studied about discipleship and community. It is time for us to consider “mission.” The same God who “calls” also “sends” but sent for what purpose? The overarching question to many questions are best answered within the framework of another question: “Whose mission is it?” The answer to this question will help determine the content, its urgency and its outcome. Reflective Quiz 1. To reach the world with the good news is “God’s” mission. [Jn. 3...
“ Community” Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope June 20, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections The Church isn’t mine nor is it yours. It is Christ’s. Nevertheless, together we share important privileges and responsibilities as members of Christ’s Church. At the heart of this week’s reflection is how we relate as a community to these privileges and responsibilities. It is all about how we live together, knowing that Christ not only loves me but He also loves you. It doesn’t really matter who you are, who knows you, what you do for a living or how much education you have received. The requirements for being part of this community are a personal acceptance of and a commitment to Christ. This community is founded on serving others on behalf of Him who calls us. We have a common heritage since we have a common Creator. This community, therefore, is built on our being inclusive rather than being exclusive. The door is always left open for ot...

Stewardship OR Life's Management

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope [There will be no additional class notes this week due to travel and other responsibilites.] June 13, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections Perhaps one of the key texts for our study about stewardship is Deuteronomy 8:18, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.” Stewards are not the owners. They are the caretakers of whatever possessions entrusted to them by the owner. It is a relationship built on mutual trust. This trust began in Eden when God said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. . . . “ (Gen. 1:28), it includes the care we have for our own body (Rom. 12:1) and even includes the relationship we are to have with our neighbor. (Mk. 12:31). Stewardship only makes sense, is only possible if we stand by our commitment to Christ. He not only calls u...


Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope  [There will be no additional class notes for this week nor for June 13 due totravel and  other responsibilities.   There will, however, be a reflective quiz for next week, June 13]  June 6, 2009 Larry R Evans   Introductory Reflections Christian discipleship calls for an allegiance that is not distracted.   Disciples see the world differently (2 Cor. 5:16) because “Christ’s love compels us” to do so (v.14).   This commitment is both rewarding and costly.   It is rewarding because the selfishness of self is replaced with the unconditional love of God. The joy and fulfillment found in being an “imitator of God” (Eph. 5:1) surpasses a life of self-centeredness.   It is costly in the first place because serving self is so natural and often offers immediate gratification.   Unfortunately selfishness moves us away from the source of life.   It was Dietrich Bonhoeffer who wrote, “How can you hope to enter into communion with him when at...