"Mission" OR "God Uses a Garden to Plant Seeds"
Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope June 27, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections I have a book entitled, “All Dressed Up and No Where to Go.” Could that be said of us . . . of our church? Is it possible to have organizational matters finely tuned, offerings over-flowing and training programs galore and still miss out on the real calling of the Church? This week’s lesson implies that it could happen. Without a clear mission the church can flounder. In recent weeks we’ve studied about discipleship and community. It is time for us to consider “mission.” The same God who “calls” also “sends” but sent for what purpose? The overarching question to many questions are best answered within the framework of another question: “Whose mission is it?” The answer to this question will help determine the content, its urgency and its outcome. Reflective Quiz 1. To reach the world with the good news is “God’s” mission. [Jn. 3:16; 16:6-11; Matt....