The Creation Completed--(with Quiz + Notes)
January 19, 2013 Larry R Evans Sabbath School Study Introduction Have you ever picked up a book and read the last chapter first? Sometimes the anticipation is a bit overwhelming so we rush to the end. While doing so has some advantages, there are also some real disadvantages. We can miss some critical insights if we only focus on the outcome. Likewise there are also some pitfalls if we take the same approach when reading the biblical account of the Creation Week. The end has greater significance when we understand how we got there in the first place! In Genesis 1:4, for example, we discover that God saw that the light was good and throughout the week He pronounces other creations as “good” and “very good.” While in our rush to get to the description of the creation of man and/or the creation of the Sabbath experience, we must not conclude that God is only interested in the “spiritual realities.” H. Ross Cole points out th...