
Showing posts from April, 2008

The Wonder of His Works -- Defying the Predictable!

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope May 3, 2008 Larry R Evans It is unlikely that I will be able to add my personal teaching notes again this week due to other commitments. However, we have added to the Reflective Review at the end of the quiz some additional thoughts which we would have incorporated intou tour teaching plan had we taught . Quiz for Reflection 1. Healing diseases was Christ’s priority after the Sermon on the Mount. [Mt 8:1-4] True or False? 2. Nature is more obedient to the voice of God than those created in His own image. [Gn 1:26,27; Isa 1:3; Mt 8:23-27] True or False? 3. Jesus healed but only after the individual would say “I believe.” [Mt 9:27-31;12:22,23; Mk 2:1-12] True or False? 4. When it comes to completing the mission Christ has given to the Church, compassion for others has priority over “efficiency.” [Mk 10:13-16; 14:3-10;Mt 9:35-38; 19:23,24; Mt 20:29-34] True or False? 5. The C...

The Wisdom of His Teachings--Insights Taught, A Reflective Life Lived

e Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 26, 2008 Larry R Evans There will be no regular teaching notes this week due to my speaking schedule, however, we have expanded the Reflective Review section for this week. The questions below are meant to stimulate thought in light of the passages placed in brackets. Quiz for Reflection 1. The teachers of Christ’s day didn’t have the authority He had because they taught the law. [Mk 1:22] True or False? 2. We would add to the blessings of others if we insulted them. [Mt 5:11] True or False? 3. Little children have an advantage over adult worshipers when it comes to being accepted by God. [Mt 18:5,6] True or False? 4. Loving and being lovable is the prerequisite for being forgiven. [Lk 7:36-50; 17:3,4] True or False? 5. Forgiveness disregards past behavior. [Mt 6:12-15; Jn 21:15-19] True or False? 6. Christ did not discourage the ambition to be great. [Mt 18...
Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 19, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. The nature of Christ had to be at least 51% divine for Him to be our Saviour. [Jn 1:1-3, 14] True or False? 2. The Ebionites (taken from Ebony) taught that Jesus was not a Jew but a Black African. True or False? 3. The Bible teaches that matter (including flesh) is inferior to spirit. [1 Jn 4:1-3] True or False? 4. Jesus faced the same temptations we do in order to meet our needs and become the source of our salvation. [Heb.4:14-16; 5:8,9; Phil 4:13] True or False? 5. There is one “man” who serves as the mediator between God and men. [1 Tim 2:5] True or False? 6. Christ will forever retain His human nature. [Lk 24:36-43; Acts 1:10,11] True or False? Reflection on the Word 1. The nature of Christ had to be at least 51% divine for Him to be our Saviour. [Jn 1:1-3, 14 ] True John 1:1-3 1:1 In the ...

The Reality of His Humanity -- Jesus--Our Saviour and Friend!

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 19, 2008 Larry R Evans The quiz may also be found at: Quiz for Reflection 1. The nature of Christ had to be at least 51% divine for Him to be our Saviour. [Jn 1:1-3, 14] True or False? 2. The Ebionites (taken from Ebony) taught that Jesus was not a Jew but a Black African. True or False? 3. The Bible teaches that matter (including flesh) is inferior to spirit. [1 Jn 4:1-3] True or False? 4. Jesus faced the same temptations we do in order to meet our needs and become the source of our salvation. [Heb.4:14-16; 5:8,9; Phil 4:13] True or False? 5. There is one “man” who serves as the mediator between God and men. [1 Tim 2:5] True or False? 6. Christ will forever retain His human nature. [Lk 24:36-43; Acts 1:10,11] True or False? Reflective Review Do we realize just how little hope we had before Christ lived and died as a hu...

The Mystery of His Deity . . . OR . . . When Answers Come Before Questions

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 12, 2008 Larry R Evans Due to other commitments there will be no additional class notes this week, however, the Reflective Review following the questions does give a brief overview of where we would have most likely gone with this week's lesson. Quiz for Reflection 1. Jesus did not have his origin in Mary’s womb. [Col. 1:15,16] True or False? 2. Whether Christ preexisted or not is a theological concern and not a practical one as far as day-to-day living is concerned. [Isa 9:6,7; Rom 5:1-11; Col 1:15-23] True or False? 3. Christ was aware of His preexistence while living on this earth. [Luke 19:10; Jn 17:5; Jn 8:58,59] True or False? 4. John 3:16, by the use of the words “only begotten son” suggests that there was a time when Jesus was not. [Jn 3:16; Lk 7:11-15; 8:41,42] True or False? 5. Jesus was God. [Matt 3:3; Jn 1:1; Jn 20:28] True or False? 6. God the...

Who Was Jesus?

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 5, 2008 Larry R Evans Due to travel and various appointments there will be no additional class notes this week. See Reflective Review below. Quiz for Reflection 1. The disciples, as students of Scripture, recognized that Elijah was to return. [Mt 16:13-15; 1 Ki 18:16-46; Mal 4:5,6] True or False? 2. Prophetically speaking, Christ was Elijah. [Mal 4:5,6; Jn 1:19-23; Mk 1:2-8] True or False? 3. The Bible teaches supernaturalism—a foundational presupposition of biblical faith. [Mt 1:20,21; 1 Cor 15:13; 1 Thess 4:13-18] True or False? 4. Emphasizing the historical aspects of one’s faith is a 20 th century phenomena. [Deut 6:4-12; 1 Cor 11:23-26] True or False? 5. Coming to Jesus is a personal decision and not a theological one. [Mt 11:28; 16:13-20] True or False? 6. It is more difficult to accept Jesus today as the Messiah than it was in His own day? True or...