
Showing posts from July, 2014


At home we have a hummingbird feeder.  Right now there seems to be a lot of activity.  That is until we walk outside near the feeder.  Once we do they fly off in haste.  I thought to myself, “If they only knew that I was the one who was feeding them and that they were safe in my presence.” Then I wondered how often God must think the same.  In the Hands of Security yet we have doubts and fear.  Hopefully this week’s lesson is a reminder that our God is the One who initiates hope beyond whatever circumstances that may seem so daunting.  I trust your study reveals the same sense of security and confidence. --> Sabbath School Lesson For July 26, 2014 Presented by Larry R. Evans Introduction This lesson is so basic yet is of such importance that if we don’t get this one right, the remainder of Scripture can be clouded, confusing and even misleading.   I’d like to begin our study by asking a question:   “If, before allo...