
Showing posts from November, 2017

Adam and Christ--Peace in a Troubled World

Bible Study for November 11, 2017 SS Teacher: Larry Evans Note to Reader:   Romans 5 is a pivotal chapter in the book of Romans.   It takes us a step beyond justification by faith by revealing the results of such a faith. Paul is adamant that neither good works nor sinful works be allowed to depreciate God’s gift to us. We must never try to add to nor take away from the gift. Introduction The German philosopher/theologian, Johann Herder, wrote “We cannot know ourselves without a reference point outside ourselves.” In many ways, this thought provides an important restatement for much of what we’ve learned so far in Romans. Our study this week is based on Romans 5.   Leading up to this chapter, Paul has brought us to an understanding of two very important points: God counts our faith as righteousness. God does not count our sins against us. Both points defy human reasoning. Both thoughts are made possi...