Facing Conflict & Opposition: Fight or Flight?
“Fight or Flight? Are They the Only Solutions When Facing Conflict—Insights from Ezra and Nehemiah” Sabbath School Bible Study October 27, 2019 Larry R. Evans INTRODUCTION Which of the following is true? 1. Being a Christian is difficult. 2. Being a Christian is easy. Is the answer an “either/or?” Can it be both? Stay tuned and I think you will see that both are true today just as it was true in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. In our study today, we will review a serious conflict that God’s people faced soon after they returned home. They had just spent 70 years in a pagan city called Babylon. Some stood firm while others compromised their faith. Regardless, when they left Babylon, they went with a very specific assignment. They were to begin rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. However, if they were to achieve success, they would have to do it together. ...