"The Creation"
The Creation April 2, 2022 Larry R Evans Introduction Aristotle (384-322 B.C ), the man who made significant contributions to many areas of human knowledge once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle’s work revolves around the idea that wisdom is practical and not theoretical. He stressed that man is a rational animal, and that virtue comes with the proper exercise of reason. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) later picked up Aristotle’s worldview and placed revelation and human reason on an equal footing and with it, humanism began to enter more directly into the Church. Humanists believe that man’s starting point is himself and from that, every problem could be solved. This quarter we will be studying the book of Genesis. The worldview set forth in this foundational book of the Bible couldn’t be more different than Aristotle’s. It only takes four words two separate the diffe...