Meekness in the Crucible . . . OR . . . If It's Not Broken It Needs to Be!
Sabbath School Class
December 8, 2007
Larry R Evans
Questions for Reflection
1. Meekness fades as the Christian matures in faith enabling the Christian to become bolder in sharing the gospel.[Rom 15:1-5] True or False?
2. Service to others is best done when we have a sense of confidence and not when we feel life has broken us. 2 Cor 12:10] True or False?
3. Sometimes our heartaches are redemptive for others. [Ezek 24:15-27] True or False?
4. If it’s not broken it may not be fixed. [Jn 21:15-18] True or False?
5. God sometimes tests our capacity for compassion by allowing us to experience from others opposition, disobedience and criticism. [Jonah 4] True or False?
6. Genuine compassion for blatant sinners is sometimes as difficult to demonstrate as it is for sinners to change their ways.[Lk 7:36-37] True or False?
7. According to Matthew 5 political opponents should love one another. [Matt 5:43, 45] True or False?
8. Love for our enemies, according to Matt 5, is developing a warm positive feeling towards those who have mistreated us. [Mt 5:45,48] True or False?
9. Meekness means we should submit to those who wish to do us harm. [1 Pet 2:18-20] True or False?
10. Silence in the face of unjust suffering is a sign of meekness. [Isa 53:7; Jn 2:13-16] True or False?
11. Meekness and strength are antonyms. [Num 12:3; Heb 11:24-27; Ps 62:1,2] True or False?
12. Humility is the result of low self-esteem. [Mk 9:33-37] True or False?
13. Humility begins by changing our attitude about our self. [Ex 3:1-14] True or False?
14. We rob God when we fail to remain calm and trustful when suffering abuse and cruelty. [See The Desire of Ages (by Ellen White), p.301] True or False?
15. Humility is the antidote to too much pride. [1 Cor 15:9-11; Dan 4:37] True or False?