
Showing posts from January, 2008

Gender and Discipleship . . . OR . . . Beyond Cultural Barriers

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery February 2, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. We must understand the impossible to experience the impossible. [Lk 1:29-38] True or False? 2. Understanding precedes believing. [Lk 1:5-25] True or False? 3. The only disciples Jesus had were men. [Mt 29:55-57] True or False? 4. In the times of Christ, as well as in our own, women are often the cause for prejudice. True or False? 5. The faith of a disciple is not limited by cultural norms. [Mt. 5:25-34] True or False? 6. If something is really good and wholesome it will not distract us from our relationship with Christ. [Mk 10:38-42] True or False? 7. Martha, while active in serving, was lacking in faith. [Lk 10:38-41; Jn 11:17-27] True or False? 8. Jesus recognized cultural gender barriers and worked around them. [Jn 4:4-30] True or False? Reflective Review It should come as no surprise to find that Jesus recognized cultural ba...

Lessons From Would-be Disciples . . . OR . . . How to Flunk While Getting "A's"

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 26, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. Commitment was so important to Jesus that He taught His disciples that they must put His mission over that of attending a funeral for a loved one. [Mt 8:21,22] True or False? 2. If we keep the commandments as Jesus instructed the rich young ruler, we will meet the criteria Jesus was stressing with this would-be disciple. [Mk 10:17-23] True or False? 3. True seekers of truth will, unlike Nicodemus, come to Jesus whether it be day or “night.” [Jn 3:2, 19-21] True or False? 4. Truth is truth. Disciples of Christ need to remember that how it is packaged is less important than making sure it is “truth” we share. [See Counsels to Writers and Editors , p.72; The Desire of Ages , p.353] True or False? Introductory Reflections Is it possible to get “A’s” and still flunk the class? Today’s study suggests that it is. We are introduced to some “would be disciples”...

Lessons From Would-be Disciples . . . OR . . . How to Flunk While Getting "A's"

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 26, 2008 Larry R Evans The teaching notes will be posted later this week. Quiz for Reflection 1. A willingness to follow was always accepted by Jesus. [Mt. 8:19,20] True or False? 2. Jesus taught that His disciples would put His mission over attending a funeral of a loved one. [Mt. 8:21,22] True or False? 3. Jesus knew that salvation could not be attained by the works of the law which is why He pointed the rich young man away from the law. [Mt 19:16-26] True or False? 4. If we keep the commandments as Jesus instructed the rich young ruler, we will meet the criteria Jesus was stressing with this would be disciple. [Mk 10:17-23] True or False? 5. True seekers of truth will, unlike Nicodemus, come to Jesus whether it be day or “night.” [Jn 3:2, 19-21] True or False? 6. The fruit from honestly answering sincere questions is not always immediate. [Jn 19:39-40] True or False? 7. It is more imp...

Called to Discipleship by Jesus . . . OR . . . Being Seen for What We Might Become!

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 19, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. The calling of a disciple often begins long before the formal call, “Come!,” is heard. [Jn 1:35-39] True or False? 2. Being a disciple of Christ is a private matter between Christ and the one called. [Jn 1:45] True or False? 3. The call of Nathanael’s call revealed some latent prejudice which had to be overcome. [Jn 1:45-51] True or False? 4. When building a team it is best to build around a core of well respected individuals knowing that they will be a primary influence upon others. [Mt 9:9-13; Lk 18:10,11] True or False? 5. To be a true and effective disciple of Christ we must count the cost before making the commitment to follow. [Heb 11:1; Mk 10:35-40] True or False? 6. It is characteristic of those who follow Christ to feel unworthy before being entrusted with a call to service. [Isa 6:5; Desire of Ages, p. 246] True or False? Introd...

Called to Discipleship . . . OR . . . Being Seen for What We Might Become!

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 19, 2008 Larry R Evans The answers to the following quiz along with the teaching notes will be posted later this week. Quiz for Reflection 1. The calling of a disciple often begins long before the formal call, “Come!,” is heard. [Jn 1:35-39] True or False? 2. Being a disciple of Christ is a private matter between Christ and the one called. [Jn 1:45] True or False? 3. Today each Christian should be involved in calling disciples. [Jn 1:40-42] True or False? 4. The call of Nathanael revealed some latent prejudice which had to be overcome. [Jn 1:45-51] True or False? 5. Matthew did not need to leave his tax work to show His love and commitment for Christ. [Mt 4:18-20] True or False? 6. The call to a life of discipleship breaks down groups of followers into individual followers. [Philip 3:17-21] True or False? 7. The call to discipleship involves a commitment of the entire life to Jesus a...

Discipleship Then and Now

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 12, 2008 Larry R Evans There will be no class notes this week due to other commitments but we have added some summary thoughts at the end. -- LRE Quiz for Reflection 1. The desire to see Jesus is evidence that God is working. [Jn 6:44; Mt 2:8] True or False? 2. It is possible to become a disciple of someone without formally being invited. True or False? 3. Whereas Jesus was the kingly Messiah, John the Baptist was the priestly messiah. [Jn 3:26] True or False? 4. A true leader knows when he/she must be a follower. [Jn 3:27-30] True or False? 5. Disciples serve best when they die. [Jn 12:20-26; Gal 2:20] True or False? 6. The call of Christ means giving up something in order to accomplish His mission. [Mt 4:18-22] True or False? 7. Being a disciple of Christ and entering into His mission is synonymous. [ Mk 16:20] True or False? 8. If the disciples of Christ demonstrate their call...

Called to Discipleship by Jesus . . . OR . . . Called to a New World View

Called to Discipleship by Jesus Or Called to a New World View Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 12, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. The desire to see Jesus is evidence that God is working. [Jn 6:44; Mt 2:8] True or False? 2. It is possible to become a disciple of someone without formally being invited. True or False? 3. Whereas Jesus was the kingly Messiah, John the Baptist was the priestly messiah. [Jn 3:26] True or False? 4. A true leader knows when he/she must be a follower. [Jn 3:27-30] True or False? 5. Disciples serve best when they die. [Jn 12:20-26; Gal 2:20] True or False? 6. The call of Christ means giving up something in order to accomplish His mission. [Mt 4:18-22] True or False? 7. Being a disciple of Christ and entering into His mission is synonymous. [ Mk 16:20] True or False? 8. If the disciples of Christ demonstrate their calling by the fruit they bear, Christ will join them in t...

An Overview of Discipleship . . . OR . . . Learning to Lead As a Follower

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery January 5, 2008 Larry R Evans Quiz for Reflection 1. The most costly form of discipleship is the kind Christ requires. [Lk 14:25-35] True or False? 2. The Christian can be a disciple of many different leaders. [1 Cor 1:10-17] True or False? 3. The true disciple understands and accepts the reality that surrendering to Jesus means giving up one’s freedom. True or False? 4. We cannot make ourselves disciples by following Christ. [Mk 1:19,20; 2:13,14; Acts 9:4-6; Jn 6:44] True or False? 5. Discipleship transforms one’s vision of the future. True or False? Introduction In addition to the Sabbath quarterly I will most likely be referring to two different support books which you may or may not want to get: Called to Discipleship by Bertram Melbourne and The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I would like to suggest at the very beginning, that it is my personal conviction that discipleship is the foca...