Discipleship Then and Now

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery
January 12, 2008
Larry R Evans

There will be no class notes this week due to other commitments but we have added some summary thoughts at the end. -- LRE

Quiz for Reflection

1. The desire to see Jesus is evidence that God is working. [Jn 6:44; Mt 2:8] True or False?

2. It is possible to become a disciple of someone without formally being invited. True or False?

3. Whereas Jesus was the kingly Messiah, John the Baptist was the priestly messiah. [Jn 3:26] True or False?

4. A true leader knows when he/she must be a follower. [Jn 3:27-30] True or False?

5. Disciples serve best when they die. [Jn 12:20-26; Gal 2:20] True or False?

6. The call of Christ means giving up something in order to accomplish His mission. [Mt 4:18-22] True or False?

7. Being a disciple of Christ and entering into His mission is synonymous. [ Mk 16:20] True or False?

8. If the disciples of Christ demonstrate their calling by the fruit they bear, Christ will join them in their efforts. [Mk 16:20] True or False?

9. One of the accompanying signs of the end of time is the nature of the work done by the disciples of Christ. [Mt 24:3, 14; 28:18-20] True or False?

10. A sure sign of a disciple’s demise in effectiveness is when others no longer follow him and shift their allegiance to someone else. [DA 178; Mt 3:1-6; Jn 11:1-16] True or False

11. Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. [Mt 25:40-46; Rom 12:1,2] True or False?

Reflections in Review

The calling to be a disciple of Christ is life-changing. It is foremost an allegiance to the values of Christ and with it comes a new world view. It is not a focus upon what one must give up but rather upon what one is to become. In so doing, old values and priorities are either abandoned or put in subjection to life’s new orientation. One enters into discipleship with Christ knowing that He, not we, define the conditions of discipleship because He is the One who initiates our call. When He calls He also empowers each disciple to become because with the call comes the assurance of His presence. No disciple is ever alone despite exterior signs which may suggest he is. Discipleship clings to the promise of the Teacher that he will never abandon His disciples although they minister for Him in a world that is hostile to all who would emulate His values and seek to fulfill His mission. The greatest reward of a disciple is being in the presence of Jesus now and in the future despite hostilities directed towards them.The new world view so impacts the lives of the disciples that it cannot be contained. It must be shared.


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