Preparation for Discipleship . . . OR . . . Learning by Seeing and Doing

Sabbath School Class—A Life of Discovery
February 16, 2008
Larry R Evans
The teaching notes will be posted later today (Friday, Feb.15)

Quiz for Reflection

1. There is a difference between an apostle and a disciple. [Lk 6:12,13] True or False?

2. Jesus called both disciples and apostles to carry out His mission. [Mk 3:13,14] True or False?

3. For salt to do its work it must be able to be distinguished from the food to which it is added. [Mt 5:13] True or False?

4. Leaders of disciples must not forget that disciples need hands-on training. [Mt 6:5,6,7,9; Lk 11:1] True or False?

5. It is possible to “inspect” fruit without “judging” it. [Mt 7:1-5, 15-20] True or False?

6. According to Christ’s instruction to His disciples regarding the wise and foolish builders, all future disciples should take classes in weather forecasting. [Mt 7:24-27] True or False?

7. Leaders of disciples must lead by showing and not just by telling. [Lk 4:19; See EGW in Acts of the Apostles, pp 32, 45; Eph. 4:7-13] True or False?

8. It is possible for the blessings that come with service to obscure the needs of the ones serving. [Lk 10:20] True or False?


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