My teaching notes are for a Bible class at the Vancouver, WA (USA) Seventh-day Adventist Community Church. Steve Butler, Horace Adam, Ken Lizzi, and I (Larry Evans) team teach the class. I normally teach the first three Sabbaths of each month.
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Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope July 19, 2008 Larry R Evans
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, there will be no quiz nor class notes this week. Thank you for understanding.
[ There will be no additional study notes this week.] October 10, 2009 Larry R Evans Reflective Introduction It has been said that “A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.” (Marcus Aurelius Antonius). Think about that a moment in the context of our lesson for this week. God in His infinite wisdom knew precisely what unbridled human nature is capable of doing. With this large desert-wandering congregation now freed from slavery, He sought to establish a sense of community among His people—a kind of community that would stick together in the coming promised land. Wolves would arise among the sheep. He knew that. He anticipated this happening so rules were created to protect the sheep though even then His rules were open to abuse. The family unit was the foundation for this new community yet it was the very object of attack. Infidelity and distrust within the family happened and still happens today. Is there any hope? The lesson today is f...
Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope April 5, 2008 Larry R Evans Due to travel and various appointments there will be no additional class notes this week. See Reflective Review below. Quiz for Reflection 1. The disciples, as students of Scripture, recognized that Elijah was to return. [Mt 16:13-15; 1 Ki 18:16-46; Mal 4:5,6] True or False? 2. Prophetically speaking, Christ was Elijah. [Mal 4:5,6; Jn 1:19-23; Mk 1:2-8] True or False? 3. The Bible teaches supernaturalism—a foundational presupposition of biblical faith. [Mt 1:20,21; 1 Cor 15:13; 1 Thess 4:13-18] True or False? 4. Emphasizing the historical aspects of one’s faith is a 20 th century phenomena. [Deut 6:4-12; 1 Cor 11:23-26] True or False? 5. Coming to Jesus is a personal decision and not a theological one. [Mt 11:28; 16:13-20] True or False? 6. It is more difficult to accept Jesus today as the Messiah than it was in His own day? True or...
[Due to other responsibilities there will no additional study notes this week] July 4, 2009 Larry R Evans Introductory Reflections We now begin a series of studies of 1,2 and 3John. We will discover how the Apostle’s close relationship with Jesus for 3 ½ years gave him the necessary footing to withstand Satan’s onslaught of the truth that Jesus came to establish. Later on the Apostle Paul would say of his time “the secret power of lawlessness” (NIV) or “the mystery of iniquity” (KJV) was already at work! (2 Thess. 2: 7. We will gain valuable insights into what our response should be today in light of Satan’s persistent effort to dilute and confuse the truth even by those who profess to believe. (1 Jn. 1:6,8,10). The circumstances or heresy may be different but the principles for us to follow remain. Three vital responses need to be considered: How will we personally respond to the sacrifice of Christ for us?; When facing a church crisis what attitude and what ki...