"United to Christ"
Dear Sabbath School Class and Special Guests,
Once again we have an amazing lesson. The introduction is a bit different this time but let it sink in as you try to see connections between it and our study for the week. I chose it because I didn’t want us to get buried in abstract theories. I found the introduction quite profound although it was not originally designed to introduce this topic. I hope you find it as stimulating as I did as you try to see how it might shed some light on our study for the week . We must bring the big concepts and terms down to where we can make sense of them for every-day-living. This is no easy task. We’ll share our study notes and concluding reflections with you sometime on Friday.
Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope
December 20, 2008
Larry R Evans
Introductory Reflections
"bilding me a fewchr"
“Dear Teachr,
Today, Mommy cryed. Mommy asked me, Jody, do you really kno why you are going to school. i said i don’t kno why? She said it is caus we are going to be bilding me a fewchr. i said what is a fewchr. Wats one look like? Mommy said i don’t kno Jody, no one can really see all your fewchr jest you. don’t wory caus you’l see. you’l see. Tats when she cryed and sed, oh Jody i love you so.
Mommy says every one need to work realy hard for us kids to make our fewchrz the nicest ones the world can ofer.
Teacher can we start today to bild me a fewcher? Can you try espeshly hard to make it a nice prity one just for Mommy and for me?
I love you teacher.
Love Jody
XXOOXX (Authored by FrankTrujillo in Chicken Soup for the Soul, p.123)
This week’s Sabbath School lesson is all about the future Heaven has in store for us. The good news is that the building has already begun! It begins right here, however, and it is the nicest one that could ever be imagined. It all begins when we allow our lives to be “United to Christ.” What does that mean? What kind of future is in store for us? The way we begin the journey is so important. It often tells how we will end up. We must begin by following Jesus. Doing so insures that we will be “bilding a prity fewcher” – one that kids and adults will all enjoy together. That’s what this lesson is all about! There are a lot of detours that can make the journey bumpy and rough and that is why this study is so important but even if that happens, if we follow Jesus, we can still make it through. Now for the heavy stuff.
Reflective Discovery Questions
1. Christians have been instructed to identify with Christ by participating in His death and resurrection by means of their weekly worship experience. True or False? [Rom. 6:4; 2 Cor 5:17]
2. Christ was the reincarnation of Adam. True or False?
3. God’s grace becomes active once we understand and accept Christ as our Saviour. True or False? [Rom 5:6,8]
4. It is possible to experience something new from a long-term relationship. True or False? [Eph. 4:20-28]
5. There are no orphans among those baptized into Christ. True or False? [Rom 6:3-6; Eph. 2:19-22]
6. Baptism is God’s appointed memorial of the cross and the resurrection of Christ. True or False? [Rom 6:1-11]
7. To know God as we should we must first “Know Thyself”. True or False? [Ps 46:10; Jn 17:3, 25-26]
8. After being baptized “in Christ” we join His Church. True or False? [1 Cor 12:13]
Once again we have an amazing lesson. The introduction is a bit different this time but let it sink in as you try to see connections between it and our study for the week. I chose it because I didn’t want us to get buried in abstract theories. I found the introduction quite profound although it was not originally designed to introduce this topic. I hope you find it as stimulating as I did as you try to see how it might shed some light on our study for the week . We must bring the big concepts and terms down to where we can make sense of them for every-day-living. This is no easy task. We’ll share our study notes and concluding reflections with you sometime on Friday.
Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope
December 20, 2008
Larry R Evans
Introductory Reflections
"bilding me a fewchr"
“Dear Teachr,
Today, Mommy cryed. Mommy asked me, Jody, do you really kno why you are going to school. i said i don’t kno why? She said it is caus we are going to be bilding me a fewchr. i said what is a fewchr. Wats one look like? Mommy said i don’t kno Jody, no one can really see all your fewchr jest you. don’t wory caus you’l see. you’l see. Tats when she cryed and sed, oh Jody i love you so.
Mommy says every one need to work realy hard for us kids to make our fewchrz the nicest ones the world can ofer.
Teacher can we start today to bild me a fewcher? Can you try espeshly hard to make it a nice prity one just for Mommy and for me?
I love you teacher.
Love Jody
XXOOXX (Authored by FrankTrujillo in Chicken Soup for the Soul, p.123)
This week’s Sabbath School lesson is all about the future Heaven has in store for us. The good news is that the building has already begun! It begins right here, however, and it is the nicest one that could ever be imagined. It all begins when we allow our lives to be “United to Christ.” What does that mean? What kind of future is in store for us? The way we begin the journey is so important. It often tells how we will end up. We must begin by following Jesus. Doing so insures that we will be “bilding a prity fewcher” – one that kids and adults will all enjoy together. That’s what this lesson is all about! There are a lot of detours that can make the journey bumpy and rough and that is why this study is so important but even if that happens, if we follow Jesus, we can still make it through. Now for the heavy stuff.
Reflective Discovery Questions
1. Christians have been instructed to identify with Christ by participating in His death and resurrection by means of their weekly worship experience. True or False? [Rom. 6:4; 2 Cor 5:17]
2. Christ was the reincarnation of Adam. True or False?
3. God’s grace becomes active once we understand and accept Christ as our Saviour. True or False? [Rom 5:6,8]
4. It is possible to experience something new from a long-term relationship. True or False? [Eph. 4:20-28]
5. There are no orphans among those baptized into Christ. True or False? [Rom 6:3-6; Eph. 2:19-22]
6. Baptism is God’s appointed memorial of the cross and the resurrection of Christ. True or False? [Rom 6:1-11]
7. To know God as we should we must first “Know Thyself”. True or False? [Ps 46:10; Jn 17:3, 25-26]
8. After being baptized “in Christ” we join His Church. True or False? [1 Cor 12:13]