“A New Order”
October 3, 2009
Larry R Evans
[There will be no additional notes which I normally add later in the week]
Reflective Introduction
We move in our study from the letters of John in the New Testament to the book of Numbers in the Old Testament. In John we wrestled with two topics that often are misunderstood and at times conclusions can be drawn that put the two in opposition to each other. The two topics? They are “love” and “God.” Lives can really get messed up, as John pointed out, if we distort either love or God. As we shall see, that idea is continued in Numbers but from a different perspective.
Growing up is not easy and it is all about learning how to relate to the values of who God is and who we are as part of His community. That’s where Numbers finds God’s people. In Exodus we see the birth of a nation and in Leviticus we see rules and laws meant to reinforce values that would help preserve this new nation. Numbers allows us to pull back the curtain and see this emerging nation moving to a new land called the “promised land.” Once again it is all about God and relationships – learning to live as a spiritual community. It wasn’t easy then and it’s not easy now. Discontent with God and with others happened then and it happens now. Quarreling is not a nice thing but unfortunately it has characterized God’s people throughout the ages . . . yet He continues to lead, direct and love this people He claims as His own. Numbers is all about a people on the move – moving from an experience of captivity to the borders of a whole new experience. This will be an exciting quarter. Just make sure that when you find it boring or not interesting that you ask, “Why is this being shared?” Then you will remember that this is all about a people “on the move” and all about a God who has a brand new and wonderful future all planned for them. They can’t see it from where they are but He can and patiently He leads them. Perhaps then you will realize too that we too are on the move and very close to the borders of the long awaited “Promised Land” where we will see God face to face. Together we journey on the way knowing that while things don’t always make sense to us, they do to God and what a difference and what an encouragement that is. Numbers isn’t about “numbers” unless, that is, you are one of His.
3. God’s great desire is to dwell among us and to be known intimately by us. [Num.1:50-54; 2:2; Jer. 23:23,24; Jn.14:15-18, 23] True or False?
4. An organized life comes naturally once one accepts God into his/her life. [Num. 2; Eph. 4:11-13; Ex. 25:8] True or False?
5. Religions should be a personal and private experience. [Num. 2; Ex. 25:8] True or False?
6. At Mt. Sinai the responsibilities of the first born of all Israelites was transferred to the Levites who then took their place. [Num.3:11,12] True or False?
7. The tribe of Naphtali was called to the ministry of the church in the wilderness. [Num. 3:46-51] True or False?
8. How we go about worshipping God doesn’t really matter as long as we do it. [Lev. 10:1-11] True or False?
9. There can be dire consequences when the realities of the sacred and the common are blurred. [Lev. 10:1-4] True or False?
10. For God order is important which makes it difficult for Him to bless confusion, distraction and disorganization. (See Testimonies to Ministers, p.28] True or False?