The Man Called Peter

The Person of Peter

Sabbath School Study for
April 1, 2017
Larry R Evans

It has been said that, “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”  -- William Booth.

As we begin our study of the 1 and 2 Peter, it is good to pause and look at the man called Peter.  This fisherman became a major leader in the team Jesus called to be His closest associates.  Jesus did not choose a perfect man when he chose Peter.  As we trace his development, we are tempted to draw premature conclusions.  We tend to do the same thing with one another, giving little slack for development.  It is much easier to judge his whole life by some of the impetuous mistakes Peter made.  Jesus, however, saw something that others, including us, fail to see.

I’m reminded of an adage that was used when I was being trained as a church consultant: “Weaknesses are strengths overextended.”  In other words, when a weakness is observed there is often a strength being disguised by some weakness that has caught our attention. Examine the weakness and see if the same trait has a positive counterpart.  Jesus sees beyond the weakness, the character flaw, the weak points and sees possibilities.  Such is the case with the Disciple Peter. 

Peter made some pretty glaring mistakes but Peter also learned how to surrender, how ask for forgiveness and then, how serve from a heart filled with love for Jesus.  We have much to learn from Peter, ever keeping in mind, that “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

1.     What makes us “worthy” to become coworkers with Jesus or should we wait until we are worthy?

2.    Where does the power for serving faithfully come from? How do we connect?

3.    In what ways are we “unworthy”? Should this even be a consideration?

4.    How can we express our gratitude for even being considered as a “coworker” with Christ?

5.    Why must we leave “everything” in order to follow Jesus?


“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” – Augustine

“Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil’s reach as humility.” -- Jonathan Edwards

Luke 5: 1-11
Peter Learns to Fish

1.  What makes us “worthy” to become coworkers with Jesus or should we wait until we are worthy? Can we serve worthily?  Is there a difference between being worthy and serving worthily?

·      Luke 5:1-11  What was it that Peter had to unlearn before he coiuld learn the very principles that would make him a great leader? 

·      What did he know how to do well:
o   How and when to fish. 
o   That people don’t walk on water.
o   How storms at sea can become vicious.
o   He knows his trade, the way of the sea, the way fish behave, how to cast his nets, how to manage his boat and therefore he is self-confident. 
·      Could it be that what he thought was his greatest strength set the stage for his greatest weakness?   If so what was it?  What was it that Jesus was trying to do with his miracle?  Was He providing a material gain for the day?  Feeding hungry people?

o   Why would a miracle cause Peter to say, “I am, a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8) What can we learn from Peter’s confession?

Some have said Peter’s problem was “self-sufficiency.” What does self-sufficiency mean?

Dictionary:  needing no outside help in satisfying one's basic needs”  How does this apply to our Christian walk.

“The sufficiency of my merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient.” --Augustine

What brought Peter to the conclusion that he was a “sinful man”? (Lk 5:8)

What did he learn that led Jesus to affirm him as “a fisher of men”?

Note the insightful statement by Ellen White:

“Why is it that many seem to think that a responsible position exalts the man? Why do they become so self-sufficient when they are so utterly dependent upon the atoning Sacrifice? Why is there with some so great a want of tenderness, so little heart work? It is because those who are self-sufficient have not fallen upon the Rock and been broken. This is why there is so little trust in God, so little earnest, contrite repentance, so great a lack of fervent prayer. Well may the questions be put by every instructor: “Have I received the Holy Ghost since I believed? Have I received Christ as my personal Saviour?” Let these questions be solemnly answered.” { CSW 111.1}

Confidence and self-confidence are not the same. What’s the difference?  Are the dangers of self-confidence and self-importance still dangers today?  Note the warning by Ellen White:

“Oh, what care should be taken by all who claim to be Christians that they do not call their passions and self-importance religion. By showing vanity, by longing for distinction, many hide the person of Christ, and expose themselves to view. There is such self-importance in their own ideas and way, and they cherish such a pleasing sense of their smartness, that the Lord cannot bestow his Holy Spirit upon them. If he did, they would misinterpret it, and exalt themselves still higher because of it. Their self pleasing ideas are a great hindrance to the advancement of the work. Whatever part they act self is the main picture presented. Their own zeal and devotion is thought to be the great power of truth. Unaware to themselves, all such are unfaithful stewards. They swerve the work in wrong lines. Self-importance leads them where they will be left to make false moves.” --Ellen White in KC – the Kress Collection (1985) An Evil Work, To Every Man His Work.

What can we learn from Ellen White’s acknowledgement to her husband of her own imperfections?

MR No. 1426—Ellen White Acknowledges Her Imperfection
(Written to “Dear Husband,” May 16, 1876, from Oakland, California.)

“It grieves me that I have said or written anything to grieve you. Forgive me and I will be cautious not to start any subject to annoy and distress you. We are living in a most solemn time and we cannot afford to have in our old age [Ellen White was 48 years of age and her husband was 54 when this letter was written.] differences to separate our feelings. I may not view all things as you do, but I do not think it would be my place or duty to try to make you see as I see and feel as I feel. Wherein I have done this, I am sorry.” { 20MR 23.1 }

Strong Leaders Know How to Say, "I Was Wrong"
Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75

Do you agree with the following? 

“How can there be great faith where is little faithfulness?  --William Gurnall

“There is no guarantee that men faithful to God will be recognizable by their numbers, their talents or their success.”-- lain H. Murray

Peter was sure he would never “disown” Jesus?  Why do you think he said that?  Where did he make his mistake?

Peter made a terrible mistake and so did Judas? Both were remorseful but each responded differently?  How and Why do you think that was the case? Was pride a factor in making their mistakes?  Was pride a factor in how they chose to resolve the problem they help create?

Note the insight by Ellen White:

“Peter saw the error into which he had fallen, and immediately set about repairing the evil that had been wrought, so far as was in his power. God, who knows the end from the beginning, permitted Peter to reveal this weakness of character in order that the tried apostle might see that there was nothing in himself whereof he might boast. Even the best of men, if left to themselves, will err in judgment. God also saw that in time to come some would be so deluded as to claim for Peter and his pretended successors the exalted prerogatives that belong to God alone. And this record of the apostle’s weakness was to remain as a proof of his fallibility and of the fact that he stood in no way above the level of the other apostles. [ AA 198-199]


A Changed Peter While Retaining Personal Strengths

“Before his great fall he was always forward and dictatorial, speaking unadvisedly from the impulse of the moment. He was always ready to correct others and to express his mind before he had a clear comprehension of himself or of what he had to say. But Peter was converted, and the converted Peter was very different from the rash, impetuous Peter. While he retained his former fervor, the grace of Christ regulated his zeal. Instead of being impetuous, self-confident, and self-exalted, he was calm, self-possessed, and teachable. He could then feed the lambs as well as the sheep of Christ’s flock.” – Ellen White, 5T:334-335


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