July 21 -- Quiz for Reflection: Two Are Not Always Better Than One

Jacob and Rachel: Labor of Love


Two Are Not Always Better Than One

Sabbath School Lesson

July 28, 2007

Teacher: Larry R Evans

Quiz for Reflection

  1. Being “equally yoked” is a reference to marriage and suggests that couples should be nearly the same size. True or False

  1. Laban was an honest man, bound by the customs of his time. True or False

  1. God selects a few carefully chosen individuals through whom He desires to fulfill His purposes. True or False

  1. Jacob, knowing the awkwardness and difficulties faced by Rachel, proved to be understanding of her needs. True or False

  1. As demonstrated by both Rachel and Leah, God blesses innovative solutions to life’s most difficult challenges. True or False

  1. The story of Laban’s deception of Jacob illustrates that human nature is corrupt and we need to learn to accept it. True or False

  1. When treated unfairly it is justifiable to respond in kind. True or False


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