July 21 -- Quiz for Reflection: Two Are Not Always Better Than One
Jacob and Rachel: Labor of Love
Two Are Not Always Better Than One
Sabbath School Lesson
July 28, 2007
Teacher: Larry R Evans
Quiz for Reflection
- Being “equally yoked” is a reference to marriage and suggests that couples should be nearly the same size. True or False
- Laban was an honest man, bound by the customs of his time. True or False
- God selects a few carefully chosen individuals through whom He desires to fulfill His purposes. True or False
- Jacob, knowing the awkwardness and difficulties faced by Rachel, proved to be understanding of her needs. True or False
- As demonstrated by both Rachel and Leah, God blesses innovative solutions to life’s most difficult challenges. True or False
- The story of Laban’s deception of Jacob illustrates that human nature is corrupt and we need to learn to accept it. True or False
- When treated unfairly it is justifiable to respond in kind. True or False