The Authority of the Prophets

Sabbath School Class—Life as Discovery and Hope 

February 21, 2009
Larry R Evans 


Hardly a week goes by without the news telling us that a compromise has been worked out between different parties whether they be political, organizational or religious. Is it possible have both authority and a compromise?  How do we relate to different voices claiming to speak words of counsel, warning or instruction for the church today?  Do they have authority to speak?  What gives someone authority and when should we listen?  These are not new questions but how we go about answering them is critical.  How do we use the Bible, Ellen White or any other inspired writing when counsel or thoughts seem to contradictive?  Not all answers will be found in this week’s study but hopefully we will find a foundation from which we can draw some helpful principles. 

Reflective Quiz

1.      Rejecting the words or counsel of a prophet is the same as rejecting Christ.  True or False?  [Isa 5:1-6:9; Matt 21:33-46]

2.    Prophets serve as God’s mouthpieces, His spokespersons.  True or False?   [Ex 4:12,15]

3.    When it comes to authority it is not the position or role one has that gives authority to what is said or done.  True or False?  [Mk 1:21-27 but also Matt 7:21-23]

4.    There are no consequences for disobeying God if what is done is done out of ignorance.  True or False? [Acts 17:30; 2 Ki 22:10-13; Jer 36:22-31]

5:    The spoken word, not just the written word, has played a significant role throughout redemptive history.  True or False?  [Jer 38:1-4; Jn 3:1-10; Acts 16:25-34]

6.    The Bible gives support to prophecies not found in the Bible.  True or False?  [2 Cor 9:29]

7.    Once a manuscript is determined to be authentic and inspired it is added to the Bible’s appendix.  True or False?  [Jn 21:25]

8.    Inspired writings outside the Bible should be minimized as a safety precaution to protect from false teachings.  True or False?  [1 Thess 5:19; 1 Cor 5:9-11]

9.    Seventh-day Adventists believe that the writings of Ellen White are less inspired than the Holy Scriptures.  True or False?

10.   Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that the writings of Ellen White may be used as the basis of doctrine.  True or False?

11.   Seventh-day Adventists believe that it is wrong to see more in a biblical text as far as meaning is concerned than what Ellen White has expressed.  True or False?

12.   Seventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen White’s writings should be limited to devotional readings and therefore carry similar weight or authority to a pastor’s inspired sermon.  True or False?


[ Conclusion to Follow on Friday With Teaching Notes and Answers to the Quiz—No Doubt the Quiz Will Be Shortened to Accommodate Class Time]


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