
September 5, 2009
Larry R Evans

Reflective Introduction

What a difference a GPS makes! Wikipedia says this about the Global Positioning System: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth. For about two years we have had one. It has taken the fear out of traveling in unknown areas and seems to work well in all kinds of weather. As long as my GPS unit stays in contact with the satellite system I can have confidence that I will get to my destination, that is, as long as I listen to and follow the directions. When I miss a turn the words “Recalculating” interrupts any conversation that may be going on in the car to tell me that I’m headed in the wrong direction. It is sometimes a nuisance but an important one! This week’s Sabbath School lesson is all about the assurance we have knowing that God not only knows where we are but where we want to go. He can see the turns in the road long before we experience them and, if necessary, He knows what detours we may need to take to get back on track. As we listen to Him our confidence grows and anxiety is replaced with a sense of peace even during times of storm. Our connection with Jesus is far more important and reliable than any GPS system. There are times when we must listen to the words “Recalculating” knowing that we have strayed from the course He wants us to take but these are words of encouragement. This week’s lesson is all about hope and assurance which can be ours if it is locked into the right “GPS” system.

Reflective Quiz

1. If we are kind to our neighbors and keep the commandments we can face the judgment with confidence. [1Jn.4:13-17; Heb.4:14-16] True or False?

2. If we truly love God we can have confidence that no evil will fall upon us. [1Jn.5:18; Mt. 10:28; Jn.10:10] True or False?

3. We can have the assurance of salvation now. [1Jn.5:13; Jn.20:31; 1Pet.5:1] True or False?

4. It is possible to fall from a saving relationship with Christ once we have the assurance of salvation. [Mt.10:22; 1Cor.9:27; Rev.3:11; 1Pet.5:8] True or False?

5. We can have confidence that God will save our neighbor, our spouse, our children if we ask Him out of a heart filled with faith. [1Jn.5:14,15; Mt.26:42; Josh.24:14,15; Lk.22:1-7] True or False?

6. Keeping God’s commandments gives Christians confidence that their prayers are heard by God. [1Jn.3:21,22; Pv.28:9; 15:29] True or False?

7. By living a life of love we will come into fellowship with God. [1Jn.4:8, 16] True or False?

8. There are some prayers we should not pray. [1Jn.5:16,17] True or False?

9. When John emphasizes that “we know” he is implying that all must pass the Sabbath School quizzes. [1Jn.5:13,15,19,20] True or False?

10. The more confidence we develop in God the more likely we will be successful in overcoming sin. [1Jn.5:13-15, 18]. True or False?


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