Important Themes in 1 John

September 12, 2009
Larry R Evans

Reflective Introduction

It has been said that “a bit of carbon in iron makes powerful metal; a bit of truth in a lie makes powerful deceit.” Lies would never stand a chance of being believed if there weren’t something seemingly rationale or true in them. Often times it is perspective that makes all the difference and lies have a perspective all their own. Paul speaks about those who chose to exchange “the truth about God for a lie.” They ended up worshipping and serving “the creature rather than the Creator” (Rom.1:25). This week’s lesson is all about truth, choices, acceptance and denial. There comes a point when we need to be quiet long enough to let God speak. Let Him reveal truth. We have a tendency to speak our opinions before truth has a chance to become known. Truth about God, Jesus, our nature and the future do matter. Our understanding of these shapes who we are, how we approach the world and what kind of hope we will have. Truth about God is foundational.

Reflective Quiz

1. The Cross and the blood of Jesus alone saves us, nothing else. [1Jn.5:11-13; 2:1-2] True or False?

2. The Church exists to reach the unreached. [1Jn.4:7; Eph.2:19-22; 4:29; Isa.59:16; 2Cor.5:18-20; Matt.28:18-20] True or False?

3. Jesus was a loving representative of God the Father and by His example we are saved. [1Jn.1:7; 5:6,8] True or False?

4. According to John, there are benefits for accepting Christ this side of heaven. [1Jn.2:12, 13; 3:14; 5:12,13] True or False?

5. Ethical behavior is more important than one’s theology. [1Jn.4:7; 1:7] True or False?

6. Sin is breaking God’s law and right doing makes one righteous. [1Jn.3:4-7; Rom.3:10; 1Ki.8:46] True or False?

7. “Compelled behavior is the essence of tyranny. Induced behavior is the essence of leadership. Both may have the same objective, but one tends to evil, the other to good.” (Dee Hock) The same could apply to religious leadership. [Jn.14:15; 1Jn.2:3-6; 3:1-3] True or False?

8. The following quote was not written regarding the Bible but it could apply, “When we fish for absolutes in the seas of uncertainty, all we catch are doubts.” [Jn.14:6; 1Jn.2:4; 3:19-23] True or False?

9. If a neighbor is a good person, doesn’t ‘kick the dog’, is respected by family and friends as a person of integrity, it is not necessary for him to accept Christ to be saved. [1Jn.3:19-23; 2:4-6; Rom.1:16-25] True or False?


Sheryl Beck said…
So, I was just reading in 1 Kings 13 last night. A prophet of God from Judah, after chatting with Jeroboan, was found by an old prophet. It was the old prophet who lied about an angel saying he could eat with the family, yet it was the 1st prophet who was killed by a lion because of the disobedience. God has "changed His mind" in the Bible either after listening to begging from prophets or circumstances changing. Where is the line in believing God's servants? Why wasn't it the old prophet that was punished for the lie?
LRE said…
Good insight and question. The lie was not justified nor condoned. However, the main point of chapter 13 is that the Lord had spoken directly to "the man of God" (v17) not to take any detours but to leave the land immediately. He did not. He specifically disobeyed the clear word of God. In times of crisis the role of those who claim to bear the message of God to a land filled with apostasy carry with them a heavy weight of responsibility. Had he been allowed to go on Jeroboam would have used this "man of God's" disobedience as a justification of his own!

Where is the line? It seems clear that the line is clear obedience to the word of God. A mere profession to be a spokesperson for God is not enough. It does not overshadow our own responsibility to be faithful to God's word regardless of other voices be their religious or otherwise. The consequences for listening to the wrong voices is obvious in this experience. We cannot, must not, be detoured from full obedience to God's revealed Word and not the speculation or philosophy of others. -- Larry Evans

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