Immorality on the Border

December 12, 2009
Larry R Evans

[There will be no additional notes this week]

Reflective Introduction

It is easy for us to forget just how ugly sin is to God and what the long term effects are to us, our families, society and country as a whole. Sin may be attractive at times but it is terribly expensive. This week’s lesson is not easy for at least two reasons: we neither feel the full weight of sin nor do we fully understand the cultural setting where God carried out “His vengeance.” To grasp the terrible weight of sin we may at times need to reflect upon the death of Jesus. Movies which focus on the physical pain of the cross really miss the horrendous destructive nature of sin. The separation from God caused by sin is sin’s most devastating characteristic. As we study Numbers 31 we get but a glimpse of how terrible sin really is that side of the cross. What an advantage we have to see Numbers 31 through the lens provided by the cross. The vengeance poured out upon the Midianites God poured upon Himself that we might be saved.

Reflective Quiz

1. Often temptations are the strongest when we are on the very edge of reaching our greatest potential. [Num. 25:1-3] True or False?

2. Some of the most effective and devious weapons in Satan’s arsenal are those who once walked with God. [Rev.2:14; Num. 31:16] True or False?

3. Curiosity with the ways of sin can open the floodgates for self-destruction. [Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 454-455; Num. 31:16; Rom. 13:14] True or False?

4. Open sin must be confronted. [Num. 25:4,5; Matt. 18:5-20] True or False?

5. Sin often blinds the sinner to the consequences paid by others for his/her sin. [Num.25:6-9] True or False?

6. Moses sinned when he became angry that the Midianite women were not killed along with the Midianite men. [Num. 31:9-18] True or False?

7. Those who lead others into sin will bear responsibility for the role they played. [Num.31:16] True or False?

8. The fall of a Christian does not happen overnight. [See Patriarchs and Prophets, p.459; Gen. 4:67; Mk. 14:10-11] True or False?


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