“The Second Generation: Admonitions”

December 19, 2009

Larry R Evans

Reflective Introduction

Will we ever learn from our mistakes? That is the dominating issue for this week’s lesson. It is a tough one because while the principles remain the same, new circumstances arise which ask the same question but in different ways. Wise is the person who can discern the real issue and apply the lessons learned from the past. We must ever bear in mind, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.” (Ellen White, Life Sketches, p.196)

Reflective Quiz

1. A plan for distributing the land of Canaan prior to the arrival of the children of Israel was a demonstration of faith. [Num.26:52-56] True or False?

2. The land of Canaan was to be divided among the tribes of Israel on a first come first serve basis. [Num. 26:52-56] True or False?

3. Policies were established for God’s people prior to the development of the General Conference Working Policy book and the Church Manual. [Num.27:1-11] True or False?

4. When it came to the children of Israel the variables they experienced with God’s promises were in reality not variables with the promises but with the response of the people. [Num. 27:12-14] True or False?

5. Once a leader transitions out of office so do his concerns for those he once led. [Num. 27:12-17] True or False?

6. Multiple sacrifices were designed to teach a primary truth: that through the blood of Christ alone there is forgiveness of sins. [Num.28; Rom.5:6-11] True or False?

7. Blessed is the man or woman who has good intentions. [Num. 30] True or False?

8. The Gadites and Reubenites were seduced by their own possessions and took more than they gave.[Num. 32] True or False?

9. Leaders of homes, churches and nations often make sacrifices for which those who follow them will be the beneficiaries. [Deut. 27:12-14; 34:1,2] True or False?


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