Seeing the Invisible
Sabbath School Class
November 24, 2007
Larry R Evans
Questions for Reflection
1. Faith is seeing something that is not there. [Heb 11:27] True or False?
2. Faith comes into action when what we know is right coincides with what God’s Word says. [Rom 8:28-39; 2 Cor 12:9] True or False?
3. Asking “anything in My [Jesus’] name” means closing each prayer with the words, “In the name of Jesus we ask these things.” [John 14:14; Matt 28:19] True or False?
4. There is an urgency to share the gospel because there is a limited supply of transforming power available. [Eph. 1:18-20] True or False?
5. Casting our problems upon the Lord is the easy part—leaving them there is the hard part. [1 Pet 5:7; Matt 6:25-27] True or False?
6. It is possible to be a “Christian” and an “agnostic” at the same time. [Mk 9:14-29] True or False?
7. We need to be more understanding of God—after all He is caring for 6.6 billion people all at the same time. [Isa 40:27-28] True or False?
8. The love of God can be seen by how much pain and suffering He allows to occur. [Jn 3:16] True or False?