Struggling With All Energy

Unfortunately due to my travels there will be no class notes provided. These questions do provide an outline for study and reflection. -- Larry R Evans

Sabbath School Class Date
November 10, 2007
Larry R Evans
Class notes can be found at:


1. We can limit God’s power. [Jn 16:5-15; Deut 29:22-28] True or False

2. The less work we put into our relationship with Christ the more we will be filled by His Holy Spirit. [Col 1:28,29; Deut 4:4; 1 Cor 9:25; Heb. 12:4] True or False

3. One of the greatest enemies of our wills is our own feelings. [Jer 17:9] True or False

4. Radical spiritual action on our part is necessary because God has chosen to make the Christian life difficult so we might develop strong characters. [Mt 5:29,30; Heb 11:24-28] True or False

5 God expects too much. [Matt 5:48; Rom 5:5] True or False

6. Jacob limped after his all night struggle with the unseen stranger and this indicated Jabob’s own weakness. [Gn 32:22-28; Heb 11:21] True or False


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